Tashtego 1.0 has sold out!

Hello Tashtegoans,
I'm thrilled to announce that we have officially sold out of Tashtego 1.0! We ordered about 40% more than we needed for our Kickstarter Backers, and thanks to you and our retail partnerships, they are all gone only three months after the last reward shipped.
It's been a tremendous learning experience. Thank you for your support, patience, and input.
We're in the process of creating a new, improved version, and expect to launch Tashtego 2.0 this summer - standby for news. We are going to need help from some of you testing the prototypes.
If you missed out on the opportunity to purchase an original Tashtego, we have a chance for you to get "almost perfect" Travel Kit at a 65% discount. It's an entirely usable, fully functioning Tashtego that has a few slight imperfections (such as a seam that isn't straight or a few extra stitches where they shouldn't be). Supplies are limited and sales are final. Click here to SHOP NOW!
And finally, thank you to all who participated in our first Instagram Giveaway contest. The winners are listed below.
Ola Erdal (Sweden)
Alvin Tan (Singapore)
Jaime Stroll (United States)
Kai Wang (United States)
Now...Let's roll!